The main road to Siem Reap
We find a taxi that takes us to Siem Reap
within three hours. Which is only 140 km away. The cars of choice are
old Japanese Toyota Camrys with raised and beefed up suspension running on
compressed natural gas.
The road surface
Along the way 30 years of civil unrest left their toll. During the
Khmer Rouge years from 1975 to 79 2,000,000 Cambodians were killed or
starved. In 1975 the capital Pnom Penh had a population of 2,000,000,
1976 only 50.000 were left. There are still many uncleared mine
fields in the country and casualties or wounded are reported daily.
Many fields can't be used because even 10 years after the retreat of
the Vietnamese army many mines are still around.